Home » British Airway’s computer problems: what does this mean for your travel insurance cover?

British Airway’s computer problems: what does this mean for your travel insurance cover?

Written by: Letitia Smith | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 30 May 2017 | Created: 30 May 2017

How British Airway’s computer problems affects your travel insurance cover

Following on from British Airway’s computer problems, which began on Saturday 27th March 2017, here is the information on what this event means for your cover.

The following information from MAPFRE applies if you hold any of these policies:

  • AllClear Gold
  • AllClear Gold Plus
  • AllClear Platinum
  • AllClear Traveller (purchased after 1st November 2016)

Cover provided in relation to the event

If you have purchased a policy on or after the 27th May 2017

If you have purchased your policy on or after the Saturday 27 May 2017, the I.T. system issues are deemed to be a known event, so no cover is in place.  However, additional cover is applicable on some policies if you have paid an additional premium for Travel Disruption. 

If you purchased a policy before the 27th May 2017

Travel delay

This would be deemed to be a strike event – so the usual travel delay benefits and terms will apply to you.


If the delay in departing from the UK exceeds 12 hours or 24 hours (as specified in your policy wording) then unused travel and accommodation costs, which cannot be reimbursed from other sources, will be refundable.


There is no specific cover for Cancellation, as claims would fall under the Abandonment section terms.

In terms of travel to the UK departure points, our policy wordings predominantly state that you must have checked in to the airport for a Travel Delay or Abandonment claim to be valid.  However, we will generally waiver this requirement, as British Airway’s I.T. problems have already lasted more than 24 hours, with no report yet, as to when it will be resolved. Nevertheless, you must have some evidence from the airline advising that your flight has been affected.

If you are stuck abroad

  • If you are stuck overseas and unable to return to the UK, your existing policy will automatically have it’s cover extended – until such time that you are reasonably able to return home.

If you are still in the UK and have not travelled

If you are still in the UK and have not yet travelled, the following rules apply:

  • Where possible, a full refund should be sought from your flight company, tour operator, travel agent, etc. Only non-refundable expenses will be considered on your travel insurance policy.
  • For customers wishing to rearrange their trip dates, provided you are not making any claim under Abandonment, we can allow the cover dates to be transferred to a new trip; provided the new trip is within 3 months of the original departure date and is for the same (or no longer) duration and is also to the same geographical area.

Other quote and claim requests

  • If your query falls outside the guidelines please contact us,  and where appropriate we will refer the matter to the Underwriter for further consideration.
  • If you need to make a claim you should contact the Claims Department in the usual manner (as specified in your policy wording).

If you have purchased an AllClear Traveller policy before 1st November 2016

AllClear Traveller policies purchased before 1st November 2016 will not have MAPFRE as an Underwriter – but instead TIF.

Cover available to policy holders


If the delay you have suffered has exceeded 24 hours in duration and your trip is for more than 2 days and not a one-way trip. Provided you are also unable to obtain a refund from any other source you can submit a claim for cancellation.

Departure Delay

You can claim for Departure Delay providing the duration is over 12 hours, and the delay is not due to the diversion of the aircraft after it has departed. For both Cancellation and Departure Delay you must not have been offered any compensation, or alternative transport that departs within 12 hours. To find out more please email the claims team on [email protected].

In the event that you have a specific questions not answered by this directive, please contact TIF on [email protected] and they will endeavour to offer an answer.

If you have any further questions not answered by the above, please speak to our Customer Care Team on [lc] or via telephone on 01708 339029.