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Top tips for those travelling with hearing loss

Written by: Lydia Crispin | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 2 July 2024 | Created: 20 January 2022

Did you that there are around 11 million people across the UK with hearing loss? The greatest amount of hearing loss is in the 60 to 69 age group, so chances are as you get older – you or someone you know may experience it to some degree.

There is no doubt that the desire to travel is increasing now that restrictions have eased. With each survey respondent indicating an average of 2.1 overseas holidays for 20221. If you’re one of the many hoping to get away and you’re living with hearing loss, you shouldn’t let it stop you from travelling.

The following guide details top tips for those hoping to have a holiday with hearing loss and those that are accompanying them.

Top tips for travelling with hearing loss

1. Download – voice to transcript translations apps

Apps such as ‘Google Assistant Best Assistant’ may be useful for those travelling abroad where English isn’t widely spoken. You can simply have the other person speak and have the voice transcribed into words. Depending on your level of hearing loss you may find this helpful. Especially as lip-reading will be more difficult when abroad if you don’t speak the language.

2. Write down a list of your destinations and plan your journey in advance

If you write down all the destinations and sights you wish to see when travelling you can work out your route ahead of time. This is especially useful if you’re using public transport as you can count the number of stops between your location and your each stop off. That way you won’t need to rely on announcements.

3. Make your companions, airline and accommodation aware that you’re a deaf traveller

Don’t be worried when asking others for help. By making others aware, you’ll be able to make the arrangements in advance that’ll help you feel safe and confident when travelling. For more great tips, check out Innovative Tips For Deaf Travelers In 2021.

Top tips for those travelling with someone living with hearing loss

1 Keep eye contact and face your travel companion

Sign language around the world, although all different from each other, make use of both hands and lip movements to convey a message. Therefore, lip reading is essential for those who are living with hearing loss or deafness. When travelling makes sure you look at your companion and be conscious that they may be relying on reading your lips as you speak, especially in noisy environments such as the airport.

2 Learn a few basic signs if you don’t already

If the person you’re travelling with uses British Sign Language to communicate, it may help if you learn some essential signs ahead of your trip.

3 Be expressive when you communicate

Facial expression can really help convey a message and emotion about any situation you’re in. There are 42 individual facial muscles in the face, so make good use of them when you’re speaking, interacting and travelling with someone that lives with hearing loss.

Do you need to declare deafness on your travel insurance?

In short -yes! You must always declare all pre-existing medical conditions when buying Travel Insurance. If you don’t declare any illness, disease or condition you’ve received treatment or diagnosis for your chosen policy may become invalid. So, when travelling with hearing loss or deafness, pack peace of mind with Comprehensive Travel Insurance cover.

CEO of AllClearTravel groups states: “At AllClear we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to travel and comprehensive Travel Insurance offers those with Pre-existing medical conditions such as deafness freedom to explore safely.”

Author notes

Written by Lydia Crispin, MA Content Creator at AllClear
Edited by Letitia Smith, M.Sc. Content Manager at AllClear

1 Based on research carried out by YouGov on behalf of AllClear on 26 October 2021 among a nat rep sample of 2,011 adults. The survey was conducted online.

The information in this blog post is not intended to replace professional medical advice. It is a general overview of a broad medical care topic. Blog posts are not tailored to one person’s specific medical requirements, diagnosis or treatment. If you do notice symptoms or you require medical advice, you should always consult your doctor or healthcare provider to obtain professional medical help. Read through your disclaimer for more information.