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Top Tips for Flying with a Visual Impairment

Written by: Letitia Smith | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 27 December 2024 | Created: 9 October 2019
Top Tips for Flying with a Visual Impairment

Did you know that at least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment or blindness? There are now more opportunities than ever to help those who have little or no sight experience the world and enjoy independent travel. There are now specific social travel groups, such as Travel eyes, set up to aid exploration via the senses.

Here are a few Travel Tips for each stage of your journey.

How and Where to Book

  • Visit your local Travel Agent. When it comes to booking, if you are visually impaired it might be more beneficial and efficient for you to book via a travel agent, than struggling online. Alternatively, you can book through a specialist travel group such as Travel Eyes, or Seable Holidays that offer tailored experiences for those who are visually impaired or blind.
  • Check out Facebook community pages for those who are visually impaired or blind. By joining you will be able to pick up travel tips and advice from those who have already been to the destinations you have in mind.

At the Airport

  • Notify your airline at least 48 hours before your flight. Airlines can provide staff to assist you, upon request they can meet you on arrival and guide you through the check-in and boarding process.


  • Pre-book or request seats close to an exit. This way you will be close to cabin crew should you require any assistance.
  • Check with your airline if they are operating the PETS scheme. When taking your assistance dog on international flights the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) can reduce Quarantine time when you’re back in the UK.

Getting Around. 

  • Keep a record of the address of where you are staying. This way, you can always ask others or take a taxi to get back safely if have any issues.
  • It is always good to know where you are and where you want to go. Technology has made this much easier – GPS devices are available as stand-alone units that can be programmed using a Braille keyboard, which tell you your current location and give you directions to where you want to go.

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The information in this blog post is not intended to replace professional medical advice. It is a general overview of a broad medical care topic. Blog posts are not tailored to one person’s specific medical requirements, diagnosis or treatment. If you do notice symptoms or you require medical advice, you should always consult your doctor or healthcare provider to obtain professional medical help. Read through our disclaimer for more information.